Seasonal round up. What's hot for Christmas

I have decided to put down a list of what I reckon's hot. Everyone else is doing it, so why not me?

* Soccer is being sold to the Americans. This has been happening all last year (and possibly a little the year before, but I reckon this year it might just reach the far flung masses. There is yet more American Soccer comedies out, and its popping up all over the place. I presume this is why Glazier bought Manchester United for such an enormous amount of money.

* Poker seems to have hit England, with lots of gambling games for sale in high street stores.

* iPods still popular, with the Nano undiminished by scratches.

* PSPs will be big sellers. Still few games though.

* Xbox 360 - if you can find it.

* DAB radios

* LCD TVs - they are finally getting to affordable levels. Beware HD ready in the UK this is all smoke and mirrors.

So thats my guesses for the hot christmas buys. Not looked in the toy department, not really appropriate yet!


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